Tag: NWA

  • The NWA TV Title – My All Time Favorite Title

    My all time favorite title in wrestling history is the NWA (World) TV title.  It was by far the best looking title IMO and it had amazing champions.  If I ever bought a replica title, it would be that one: I had nothing to do with designing the IWA Mid-South heavyweight title but I always…

  • Dusty Rhodes Hits Me With The Bionic Elbow

    Dusty Rhodes was one of the top wrestlers of the 1980s.  He could be seen on the Superstation TBS all across the country at the outset of cable television.  The son of a plumber.  The American Dream.  A guy that didn’t look like a great athlete.  He wasn’t a bodybuilder.  But he could connect with…

  • The Wooing of Mickie Knuckles

    One of my favorite storylines during my 12 year wrestling career was in 2005.  The Fannin Family were feuding with Ed Chuman’s NWA group and Ian Rotten over control of the company.  It was leading up to a 3 way dance War Games…winner takes control of the company.  As we were picking teams and ramping…

  • Top Heels in Pro Wrestling 1980-1997

    This is a list of my thoughts on the top heels in professional wrestling from 1980-1997.  I have already written about my favorite tag teams from 1980 – 1997 when I was an avid wrestling fan.  If you missed that blog, you can check it out here.  One of my supervisors from work inspired that…

  • My Favorite Tag Teams

      Thanks to Mike Kincaide, I am now aware that WWE.com released a list of the Top 50 Tag Teams in WW(W)(F)E history.  I used to be a huge fan of tag team wrestling when I was watching wrestling growing up.  As a matter of fact, I almost liked the tag teams better than I…

  • Rowdy Roddy Piper Black and White Photo

    Photo: Rowdy Roddy Piper in black and white pumping his fist. I am still number 1 tshirt. Rowdy Roddy Piper. 1 of the best heels ever. Super cool when I met him. Love this photo. #WWE