Category: maybe baseball or wrestling

  • It’s all about the poop

    Mystery substance on my fingers. I haven’t done anything but pet Imy cat. What the hell were you into Imy? Are you bleeding or is it food? Thanks 4 free promo Shutterfly! Blacky cat’s inspecting your work. He won’t be happy til it’s on the fridge. State of the Cheeseburger address continues to be delayed.…

  • 5k mini rock and roll chicago

    5k (Mini)  (@ Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicago Half Marathon) I must look fantastic or just an easy sell. 4 photographers have wanted a shot. Lol I am disappointed so far. Everybody looks very normal. Where are the banana suits and elvis costumes ppl? 🙂 maybe they wake up late Guy in a Body Worlds suit.…

  • Parliament’s Subliminal Messages

    Parliament’s busy sending subliminal messages. PM Imy cat has her face buried in my shoe and CS Blacky cat wont get out of the dirty laundry Sitting traffic trying to get down to the expo. GD it ppl you don’t all have to all go to the same beach. Spread the love. #chicago Blacky cat’s…

  • rules the school

    He rules the school just like u xoxo RT jfannin73 This guy knows the truth. Never seen a better license plate. Laundry day. Blacky cat couldn’t get the dinosaurs to do it and now there are ghosts in the dryer. #dotheyneedfabricsoftener? Man is going “fishing” for 4 days (code for security at nudist colony.) Why…

  • Rock is just a Rock

    Sometimes a rock is just a rock… right jfannin73 ? 😀 Prime Minister Imy is now officially on a steroid regime too. Her elevated liver enzymes have been deemed not an infection.. Could be something else brewing here. So now the question remains is the Parliament capable of functioning with two members drugged up? King…

  • Iodine Deficiency boiled down

    If all my recent menstrual issues boil down to iodine deficiency, I’m going to be happy but also start throwing things excessively in a min.

  • Random Slug to Snail Poem -ish (Repeat)

    Pouting on a moonlit bay, sat a slug grumpily wasting his time away. He’d slig and slag, hop and clop, but nothing could make his world pop. He’d try and try with all his might but happiness it seemed was sealed up tight. Then one day down that same bay, came a snail who said…

  • Camping in my apt

    The chupacabra stole my internet for awhile, but a forced unplug can be a wonderful thing. #campinginmyapt #sweetrelease Think the landlord would mind if I built a campfire in the living room and made smores? #campinginmyapt Wonder if any grizzly bears or creepy crawly things that go “”bump in the night”” live in the city?…

  • fish dealing with here

    I don’t know what I’m talking about here but I’m not deleting this post That fish doesn’t know what he’s dealing with, that’s for sure.  😀

  • Alien cat lunch

    That reminds me, I haven’t eaten yet today. Off to fix kitties and human food.