Category: Field Agent Review
Del Monte Happy Heart Peaches and Pears in Cherry Hibiscus Juice Review 5/5 stars I received product reimbursement in exchange for my honest review. I enjoyed the taste of this product. I thought the chia seeds added to the product both visually and tastefully. The product juice could have been thicker and more gelatin-like, but…
decemberthird22 (Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey)
Contadina Pizza Squeeze Review 5/5 stars I received product reimbursement in exchange for my honest review. The Contadina Pizza Squeeze is a go to product. It’s affordable but doesn’t taste cheap. The sauce is creamy, smooth, and sweet. The coloring is a soothing shade of red and it smells delicious. @fieldagentapp, @contadina Other Field Agent…
Heinz Dip & Crunch – Spicy Sauce and Potato Crunchers Review 5/5 stars I really enjoyed this product. I thought the 1000 island dressing-like sauce was a nice combination with the chip crumbles. I also thought that the activity of dipping the sandwich twice added complexity to eating and prolonged the meal. I enjoyed the…