Category: Ebird pics

  • 05272024-housewrensound


    Checklist link: House Wren (Troglodytes Aedon) The backyard feeder gets many small birds feeding at it. I thought that all of them so far were sparrows and finches. I was watching a video of a Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius Phoeniceus) and heard the sound of a House Wren (Troglodytes Aedon). I was informed that there are…

  • 05212024-europeanstarlingsound


    Checklist link: European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) Unlike my husband, I am not up during the morning hours on a regular basis. However, I needed to take him to work to make use of our car. Since the weather has been warming up recently, there were more birds out and singing, or so it seemed to…

  • 04152024-ebirdamericanrobin


    Checklist link: American Robin (Turdus migratorius) This morning was a little exciting. An American Robin (Turdus migratorius) actually decided to make an appearance at the backyard feeder cam. There are several robins in the neighborhood and can be heard frequently singing close by. This particular cam has been up since August of 2023, and we…

  • 03292024-pairnortherncardinalsbackyard


    I’ve been watching the family backyard feeder cam now since August of 2023 last year. Since this feeder is not the only source of food in the neighborhood, nor in the backyard itself, it’s been mostly single birds one at a time when it’s warm or flocks of birds when it’s colder. Since I am…

  • 03132024_americanrobinandbluejay


    Checklist link: American Robin (Turdus migratorius) and Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata) recording I got the feeder cam for my family’s yard back in August of 2023. Their backyard was filled with birds from other feeders and the garden, so I figured it was only a matter of time to see the most common birds on…

  • 02192024_northerncardinalsound


    Checklist link: Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) As part of the great backyard bird count event, I managed to get a semi-decent soundbite of a Northern Cardinal recorded. It’s not as easy as one might think to get a sound clip from a feeder cam. Most of the time the birds are eating and being decently…

  • 02132024_ebirdcoopershawk


    Checklist link: Cooper’s Hawk (Accipiter Cooperii) This Cooper’s Hawk first showed up the day prior to getting the full-sized picture. We could only see the bird’s feet in the video feed. It definitely looked like a much larger bird than we had seen in a while. Luckily, the hawk showed up the next morning and…

  • 02052024_redwingedblackbird


    Checklist link: Red-winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus The blackbird first showed up at the feeder on 1/30 and was with the first group of cowbirds. The one that was there last week was larger than this particular bird but wasn’t producing as good of pictures. By that I mean that there was much more background blur…

  • 01222024_crowandbrownheadedcowbird


    Checklist link: American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) and Brown-headed Cowbird Molothrus ater I had trouble identifying this bird at first. At first glance, it seems like the American Crow which is a very common bird around here. However, this bird arrived with a large flock of Brown-Headed Cowbirds. Previous to gaining access to this feeder and…

  • 01172024_europeanstarling


    Checklist link: European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) There was a visit from a European Starling to the feeder today. From the cam video, he didn’t stay very long, but it was a nice change of pace from the huge group of sparrows, and the few cardinals and juncos that have been hanging around. It’s possible that…