The ups and downs of life

Today has been such an up and down day.  Things go wrong.  Things go right.

I woke up today and read a message on myspace that my Grandma and my Aunt were both taken to the hospital in the middle of the night.  Pneumonia is thought to be the culprit.  I went to visit them in the hospital today.  My grandma didn’t look well at all.  She was gasping for air and just looking very ill and was in intensive care.  My aunt wasn’t looking that bad but she has all kinds of other health problems as well so it isn’t good for her to have this.  Not that it is good for anyone to have pneumonia.

I went out to check on them again after dinner and grandma was out of ICU but my aunt was put into ICU.

My grandma that lives with me, had to wait around all day for a phone call from her doctor’s office to tell her when the appointment will be in order to check out what they think might be a blockage in an artery in her neck.  She’s already had a heart attack and bypass surgery in the past so this is definitely not good if she has another blockage.  It took three days for us to find out when this appointment would be and they are so concerned with the potential blockage that the appointment isn’t until Feb 18.  Just in case you can’t sense it, that is sarcasm and I’m not happy that they would phone tag us for three days and then pick a day that is still a couple of weeks away.

In between dealing with that stuff, I found out the good news for today:

Stacy and I stumbled upon front row Bulls tickets against the Pistons for next Tuesday while we were looking for ideas for Christmas presents for her brother and his girlfriend.  They love the NBA and she lived in Kalmazoo, Michigan for a time (her family is still there).  She loves both the Pistons and the Bulls.  I came up with the idea to look for tickets and we found FRONT ROW tickets for face value (got to love that the Bulls suck!)  We got the tickets like three months ago.  Well the good news for today.  Her brother notifies us that the game we are going to next Tuesday is going to be Red Kerr night and Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen and a lot of the championship Bulls are going to be at the game for the ceremony!  I pick the Bulls game that Michael Jordan is supposed to be at and I have front row.  That is good stuff.

Expect pictures.  Expect stories.

I don’t think in this case that the good news outweighs all the bad news but it at least keeps me sane for today.






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