Wow it has been awhile since I’ve updated this thing…edited

This is going to be such a great weekend.  I can’t wait for TPI to finally get here. (edit:  Nick Maniwa is going to be in the house so now I’m even more excited.  Hotel chicanery and time to hang out and have fun)   I’m more looking forward to Saturday but tomorrow is going to be a blast as well.

I’ve been in DeKalb since Tuesday afternoon but I’m going to be leaving here in about half an hour.  Stacy hasn’t been feeling well and has had quite a bit of studying to do so I’ve taken advantage of the DSL hookup to really pump up the IWA Myspace with friend requests to people in the Midlothian area.  The friends list has gone from 186 friends to 444 friends as I write this.  There are still 400 friend requests pending.  It may not be noticeable at TPI due to all the people flying in from all over the world (England, Australia, Florida, Texas just to name a few that I know of) but hopefully at future show in Midlo, an increase can be seen in attendance from adding people and spreading the word of IWA.  I will start doing the same for the Plainfield area after TPI to try and pump up attendance there.

My Grandma makes her return to wrestling shows.  I don’t think she has been to Midlo since I clotheslined Mickie and pissed her off so bad that she wouldn’t talk to me.  My Aunt Sharon is coming and so is Stacy.  My Aunt Sharon is real happy that Stacy goes to the shows cause now she’ll have someone to ride with since she doesn’t want to go to the shows alone.

Did I mention that I can’t wait for Saturday night at TPI?  I think I have and I know that Stacy is beginning to tire of hearing me say it but it bears repeating time and time again.

There really isn’t much going on to write about.  We went to see Little Miss Sunshine over the weekend and that was a great movie.  Stacy came out to the house for lunch with my grandma and me and I survived her meeting my grandma.  Grandma didn’t tell any off color stories or embarrass me too bad so that was a plus.  We then went and had dinner with her parents and grandpa at her parent’s house.

Happy Jim doesn’t have much to rant about but I keep promising that those that read this journal that are fans of angry Jim will still get to see flashes of that persona.  Maybe real soon.  Bear with me and just be happy that I no longer want to destroy the world and feel a bit safer.

Good day.






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