Long ass update with lots of pics

I am back and recovered from the journeys to Louisville, Baltimore, Philly, Louisville, Milwaukee and finally home. Maniwa complained about a lack of pictures to accompany the last update of a similar trip. I hope this is enough pictures this time. Anyway, here we go.

The trip started with me heading out on Wednesday a couple of weeks ago. My first picture is of the sign for Whiteland, Indiana. The “home” of former Fannin Family member Steve Stone. It is also famous for the most infamous episode of Fannin Road Rage. “Exit 95…I’m kicking your ass!” So here is the proof that there actually is a Whiteland, Indiana (35 miles north is also a Whitestown, IN)


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I eventually make it to Louisville after several stops and Patti had gotten James Christopher a Blue’s Clues outfit that she hoped would be big enough to be his Halloween costume this year. It will probably be too small by then. Here are the two most adorable pictures that you will ever see. If you don’t agree, I will fight you to the death I say:



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Mickie, David Parks and I then watched Girl Next Door and I loved that movie. I went out and bought the unrated DVD after watching the whole movie. I think every answer at the Q & A for TPI should be “Fck you…next question.” David kept saying how angry it made him that the blonde in that movie was so hot. I told him that he had “anger issues” and we all got a kick out of ME telling anyone that they have anger issues.

Thursday came around and decided to go to Maniwa’s and pay him a visit. We went to Wal-Mart and Toys R Us to look for figures and so I could get something for Patti’s birthday that I had missed by a couple of days. I ended up getting her some scary movies DVDs. I had to go back to Ian’s to get ready for the David Allan Coe concert at Coyote’s. We left a little early and went to Applebee’s for dinner. We then got to Coyote’s and the place was much different than the last time I was there. Bull is a bouncer there so he was walking around and we talked a bit. I was in my DAC country boy outfit and got a picture taken with Bull. Here it is:


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We left Coyote’s and returned to Ian’s to get ready to head out to Baltimore. We decided to wait until the morning so we could be rested. That allowed me to get caught up on the back episodes of Entourage that I had missed. I love that show. Ari is awesome calling people “cunt muscle” and saying “I will get to Drama as soon as I finish ramming needles into my cock!” Great stuff.

Friday rolls around and we finally head out for Baltimore. We being Mickie, Ian, John Calvin and me. It was a very long trip and we finally stopped to eat at a Burger King. Mickie and John Calvin grabbed crowns and put them in the car. I started reading the rules for games on the inside of the crown and Ian declared himself King of the car. Here is a picture of King Ian:


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It rained like crazy going through West Virginia and we saw a huge car fire on the side of the road and we saw a semitruck that had flipped over the guardrail and went down a hill and that caused delays driving. We finally arrive in Baltimore around 2 am and proceed to have a very very very long night trying to get to sleep. This would be a reoccuring theme for the trip.

Saturday afternoon rolls around and John Calvin stays at Ian’s Aunt and Uncle’s house to play with his cousins and we take off for Philly to go to the PWU show. We stop at Friendly’s which is a more awesome version of Culver’s and Dairy Queen. I got a 5 scoop sundae with Reese’s pieces, hot fudge and hot caramel. My ice cream was Chocolate Chip, Mint Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and 2 scoops of vanilla. Here is a picture of the most awesome sundae I’ve ever had:


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It rained quite a bit on the way to Philly and we had fears that it was going to be like the last trip and rain all the time. I fell asleep at the show half way through the first match. I had no interest in watching Homicide and Jack Evans against the two Japanese guys so I paid no attention. Homicide just doesn’t do anything for me. He brings nothing new to the table that at least 50 other indy guys do. Thankfully, Ian and Corporal were on before intermission and we were able to get the hell out of there early. Another rough night once we got back and very little sleep. Like I said, this happened every single night we were gone so I will stop saying it. Just remember that every night ends with difficulty.

Sunday was a lounge around the house day. I watched Tom and Jerry with Ian’s little cousin Jamie. Mickie got up and we went and got some food and shopping. We went to Taco Bell and one of the hot sauces had “I’m in good hands now” written on it so I grabbed Mickie’s hand and then held it up so she could read it. She rolled her eyes and called me a dork. Here is a picture of the hot sauce packet:


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We return to the house and go swimming. John Calvin gives Ian superplexes into the pool which was quite the sight. John Calvin, Mickie and me get hungry later that night and go to Denny’s for some food. I have decided that I want to do something huge for my 30th birthday this year and it will involve a trip somewhere. Mickie and I discussed some possibilities. We’ll have to see what happens.

After probably the roughest night on us, Mickie and I get about 3 hours of sleep and wake up at 6:30 am when everyone leaves for work. I watch a lot of Spongebob and Fairly Oddparents with Jamie. I really like the Fairly Oddparents show. It meets my approval. Ian and John Calvin wake up and we go to the mall and I buy a new watch to replace the one that Shaina got me that doesn’t fit anymore. I will put that watch up with all the pictures I have of Shaina and me. We then leave the mall and go down to the inner harbor where I am able to get the best orange tea in the world. We did the peddleboats as well. Here are pictures from our adventures at the inner harbor in extreme 97 degree heat:







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Tuesday was more cartoons with Jamie and I absolutely love Wonderpets. It will have to go into my regular rotation at 9 am on Nickelodeon now. What is better than a singing turtle, duck and guinea pig saving animals. I turned it on at Ian’s house after we got back and Joey and Mickie were dying laughing watching me get into the episode and the duck saying there is nothing better than celery after taking a “wee wee” and the other two called it “pee pee” and “tinkle” Why couldn’t they have had this show on when I was a kid???
Anyways, we went back to Friendly’s for more great sundae action.

Wednesday was the last day there and we went to Philly again for the PWU show. Instead of being at the cool outdoor bar, it was moved to the ECW arena. Every match was 4-5 minutes which I liked. Not enough time for the matches to suck ass. I talked with Doctor Death Steve Williams and he is a very nice guy. I got a picture taken:


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We leave for Louisville immediately after the show and as soon as we get back to the house, Mickie and I went to get an oil change on the car and got some lunch and did some shopping. I bought James Christopher a Blue’s Clues stuffed animal to match his new outfit. Then we went to Mickie’s sister’s house so she could visit her sister, nephew and niece. I got to see home movies of a young Mickie which was enjoyable.

Friday was Milwaukee. Hell on earth. I despise Milwaukee but everyone already knows that. Mickie tries to get me in trouble with Ian and I tell her that I don’t need any help getting into trouble. Ian responds with “you do with me…you never get into trouble with me but you are just a heat seeking missle to everyone else.” You are damn right I am. Don’t ask me about the show because I didn’t watch any of it. I talked a little with Brandon Thomaselli during the show after returning from Burger King. I had a coupon for buy one stacker get one free but they wouldn’t let me use it because I didn’t want the shitty sauce on mine. “It isn’t a stacker if it doesn’t have the stacker sauce on it.” I guess in Milwaukee, BK’s motto isn’t “have it your way.” Just another reason to hate Milwaukee. Anyways, after the intermission a bunch of the suckass no talents from the show decided to come behind the gimmick table and talk with Mickie and tried to talk to me. One that acted like a fag asked me if he could tell me the story of how he is going to marry his mom after his dad takes a paternity test. If looks could kill, he would be dead as I told him to get the fck away from me. Then a male Mickey that wears green and gold when he wrestles (get a fcking original gimmick that a girl that could wrestle circles around you doesn’t already have in the same area numbnuts) asks me if I want to play games with him to help pass the time. I later find out that Mickie was behind all this by telling this fcking wastes of space that I’m not a people person and that is why I wasn’t talking to them. They decided that that meant that they should try to talk to me and make me like them. All it did was piss me off even more. I have no interest in befriending people that shouldn’t even be wrestling and cause the shows that I am forced to watch to be hideous.

That wraps up the update for now because Wonderpets just came on and they are going to save a sea lion!

Now that Wonderpets is over, I can finish the update. Saturday was a lounge around the house day here in Morris. I watched the Cubs. We went to Wal-Mart and had tacos for supper. It was just too damn hot to do anything.

Sunday, we took Ian to the airport so he could fly to Dallas. Mickie and I then went and had flyers made up and put flyers out in Midlothian. Well Mickie put them into stores while I sat in the car but either way, it got done. 100 degrees on the sign on the bank in Midlo. Good grief. We then went to watch “You, Me and Dupree” and that was a very funny movie. We both enjoyed it. Then it was off to Cheddar’s to have supper. Cheddar’s in Bolingbrook sucks compared to Cheddars in Clarksville. Then it was back to Wal-Mart for looking around and coming home and going to be extremely early and waking up this morning extremely early.

Tomorrow we go back to Louisville. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone.

Good Day.






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