Here it is 1:30 in the morning and I’ve been tossing and turning in bed for the past 4 hours. I can’t fall asleep for anything. I guess I just have too much stuff on my mind and I will touch on some of it in this update and maybe it will make my brain stop thinking about it.
I went to Orland Park today with Chris because I read on that the Toys R Us up there was going to be having a promotional sale starting next week to get an autograph ticket for Superstar Billy Graham on March 29th at a special event there to promote Wrestlemania. No one at the store knew anything about what was going on except for a flyer sent to them by corporate headquarters giving some information. On the car ride up there, I mentioned to Chris how I spoke on the computer last night with the girl that rejected me when I asked her to prom my senior year. It got us talking about stuff and where our lives are at and whatnot and he then said “if you change your mind, there is still that friend of Karen’s that is always looking for a date.”
Chris didn’t do a very good job selling this person since all he said about her was how boring she was. When Chris calls you boring that is like me saying that someone has anger issues and holds too many grudges. It should scare the hell out of you to try to even imagine such a person. I’m not one for changing my mind very often and this time will be no different.
I had a nice long writeup detailing past setups that I refused from my friends. I talked about what my record for asking women out would be if you count each time I asked Mickie individually. It wasn’t very pretty. I decided that no one would want to read such a horrifying story. I then turned it into a tirade about succeeding or failing on your own and not riding the coattails of a friend to get you into places and situations that you don’t deserve based on your own merit. That too got very ugly and personal. No one wants to read about that either. Therefore, that very large chunk of the update has been deleted.
I may end up going to see George Strait with Chris on Thursday night in Champaign. Someone from his work has tickets and can’t go and if Chris can switch shifts with the other driver, we’ll get the tickets and go. George Strait, Tracy Lawrence and Miranda Lambert…that will be a very good concert. I hope he can get off work.
Now for random thoughts.
Karaoke is Wednesday night and I will definitely go ahead and go to that.
I’m very glad that the Winter Olympics are over. ESPN can be watchable again.
It’s a shame that Stacy lost to Jerry Rice and ended up in third place. It just again shows that the American public shouldn’t be trusted with the right to vote. It was a contest that was supposed to be judged on skill and ability. It wasn’t a popularity contest to see who more Americans had heard of before the show started. It wasn’t even close skillwise between the two. At least Rice didn’t win the whole thing. If he had won, the right thing to do would have been to forfeit the trophy and let Stacy and Drew share it. In his interviews all night, Rice kept saying that he deserved to win because he tried hard. They all tried hard. He was the worst of the three. Trying doesn’t mean shit. In the immortal words of Yoda, “do or do not…there is no try” and Jerry Rice, you do not have as much dancing talent as Stacy or Drew. Hell he shouldn’t even have been in the finals because Lisa Rinna was better than him in the semifinals.
Armageddon can now join movies such as Rocky III and Million Dollar Baby as movies that make me cry. Damn them.
Since it is 3 am now, I guess I should try to get some sleep.
Until next time…
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