Yesterday was much different than today. Yesterday I kept falling asleep and then took 4 tylenol pm’s and was asleep by 9 pm. I slept through the night and woke up at 6 am feeling refreshed. I hadn’t had a good night sleep like that in awhile. There were no nightmares. There were no bad feelings about not being at the IWA show. I knew I had made the right decision.
Today I watched 6 episodes of season 4 of Dallas. I lounged around the house and froze most of the time. It was unbelievably cold outside and my feet stayed cold all day. When my feet are cold, I’m cold all over. The feet temperature controls the rest of the body. I thought about taking a ride up to Midlothian to see Ian and Axl and maybe take them to grab a bite to eat. I was then going to just drop them off back at the building and head home. I decided that knowing how my luck works, that I would end up running into shitlist if I did that and ruin the next three months at least for me. The cold ass weather made it an easier choice for me as well. With my luck, if I didn’t end up seeing shitlist, I would have ended up stalling on the side of the road and freezing. The final tidbit that sealed the deal for me was the fact that I have those concert tickets for Gretchen Wilson next week so I’ll be seeing Ian and company in a few days anyway. I don’t need to be anywhere near wrestling for the time being anyway.
Tonight I took the tylenol pm’s but it didn’t have the same good effect on me. I was asleep by 8:30 but as you can tell, I am back awake. The nightmares didn’t stay away two nights in a row. Maybe I just slept too much last night. Whatever it is, tonight will be a long night unless I can fall back asleep when I get this update done. I know that I made the right choice not going up to Midlothian but I still feel bad being an hour away and not dropping in to see my best friend. I know that he understands the situation and that eases some of the guilt off my conscience. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I do have one of those…boy do I ever.
I had a blank survey the other day on myspace where people were supposed to fill it out about me. Ray scored a 99% on the survey. He only missed the question about “who do I like now?” Ray now wants Fusion to make him up a Fannin tshirt so the two fans that I had could both have a shirt to remember the good old days. I suggest that the phrase on the back be the quote that Ray had in the survey about whether I am a rebel or follow the rules. Rays response – “you follow the rules…your rules” The front could have something like Fannin then under that it could have 11-7-97 to 01-20-06. Then the back could say “He always played by the rules…his rules” I would give such a shirt my endorsement.
Well I am going to try to go back asleep. Hopefully my attempt will be successful.
Until next time…
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