What’s a guy to do when his wrestlers are not on the IWA shows?

Get revenge…that’s what.

Friday night saw me finally stand up for myself and get revenge on Mickie Knuckles for the heartbreak and pain she has caused me over the last several months. It was never enough to just simply reject my advances and leave it at that. She would always have to hit me or kick me or smear candy in my face in order to humiliate me in addition to rejecting me. So I’m not good enough for Mickie. I’m not good looking enough. I’m too boring, fat and pathetic for her. I guess she doesn’t want a guy who just simply loves her and buys her flowers and candy and writes her poems and sings her love songs and treats her like she is the greatest person on earth. She must rather have a guy that treats her like garbage and plays mind games with her. Maybe I came a little closer to being that person after I cost her the NWA Midwest title and I clotheslined the taste right out of her mouth and stomped a mudhole into her. I can only be pushed so far before I am no longer a gentleman.

My grandma is awfully pissed off at me right now for my actions since she likes Mickie but oh well. Sometimes a man has got to stand up for himself and stop being pushed around and abused. I finally am starting to feel a little better about myself. I was feeling like less than a man with all my failures with Mickie and feeling like I would be better off dead. I tried everything in my power and abilities to show her how I felt about her and to try and get her to feel the same way about me and I didn’t stand a chance. I should have known that I would fail since I wasn’t the last man on earth and just stuck to what I do best…cheating in wrestling matches. Looks like Shaina gets to be the answer to the trivia question of Who was the only woman to ever love Jim Fannin in return?

The Jim Fannin Managerial Farewell Tour had another successful stop in Hammond this weekend as well. Two more shows are left: July 1st in Salem and then War Games on July 2nd in Valpo. I think Jade will do just fine with Eddie and BJ after I’m done and do the Family proud. I announced Johnny Candido as the replacement for his big brother in War Games. I owed it to Chris to do him this last favor and use his little brother. He loved Johnny and wanted him to be able to benefit from the name recognition that working in IWA brings to a wrestler. I couldn’t think of a better person to put in his place because it will be an emotional hole to fill on the roster. I can’t wait for War Games so my destiny can be fulfilled.

It’s early in the morning and I hear my bed calling me.

Good Day.






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