Another week in the boring life of Fannin

Last Tuesday morning I headed back down to Louisville to visit friends. The main reason for the trip was to help Shaina get moved into her new apartment. We were going to start moving at 4 pm but due to rain and other problems, we didn’t start until around 7 pm. We had two trucks and decided that we would get the love seat, couch and some other big items while we had trucks. The couch provided the most fun. In order to get the couch into the apartment when we moved in, I had to call Mike Miller and acquire his help. The legs had to be removed and the walls almost destroyed to twist, turn, and fight the couch into the living room. Matt, Bryan and I decided that we weren’t going to go through all of that trouble. Shaina and I had joked that if we ever moved, that we would probably have to drop the couch over the balcony to get it out. Well that is exactly what we did. Second story apartment and we dropped the couch over the balcony. I help it up on the bannister until Matt and Bryan got downstairs to catch it. I then slid it down until they could reach it and hold it against the balcony. I then ran downstairs and stood under the couch so they could swing it out and drop the other end down onto me. Luckily, Shaina’s new apartment is on the first floor and had huge doorways. It was easy to get it into the new place. It rained the whole time however so we were all soaked.

Wednesday was a day of doing absolutely nothing, sort of. “Rachel” and I went out to eat and then went around to different stores and such to kill time.

Thursday was the second day of moving and it was not very good. Matt and I did what we could to help but Matt had worked 10 hours already that day and was tired. I pulled some strings and got use of the ring truck in order to finish moving. Shaina got called into work so I got “Sean”, “Rachel”, and “Eric” to help me with the rest of the moving that we could get done. We got the bed, entertainment center and some other stuff moved. We ended up breaking the entertainment center however when trying to move it around in the new apartment. I gave Shaina some money to buy a new one and hopefully a smaller one. We kept running into all kinds of problems and we were being too loud and got yelled at by the neighbors. I then told everyone to shut the F up and pissed off “Rachel.” Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be the last time over the course of the week for that one. We had to leave for La Salle early on Friday morning so we didn’t get things done for Shaina before we had to call it a night. I apologized to Shaina for not getting everything done for her. I’ll have to call her later today and find out if she was able to get everything finished.

Somewhere around this time or perhaps a little later, the return of the Jim Fannin that Dysfunction refers to as “the angriest man alive” made a surprise return. As I wrote in my resolutions update, I’ve decided that a man has got to know his limitations. I will now also add “only fight the battles that are winnable” or “know when to quit and live to fight another day.” I know that “Rachel” is out of my reach and off limits to a man like me. The first phase of acceptance of this fact I guess is anger and disgust. Or perhaps I’m just such an ass that I can’t change who I am. Either way, I found myself getting into a mad, sad, angry mood. Now onto the description of events that caused this little whatever the hell it is.

We drive up to La Salle, Illinois which is about 40 minutes from Morris. My best friend Chris and my cousin Chucky were supposed to attend the show as well and just hang out with me since I wasn’t doing anything on the show. Chris made it to the show around belltime. Chucky didn’t make it because his ride never showed up. Chris and I watched the show and ugh was it putrid. I introduced Chris to Chris Candido and to “Rachel” and that was about it for the show that was worth talking about. Misty bought me some McDonalds because I had no cash after we got to the show. Thanks Misty. We went out to eat after the show at the Flying J restaurant. Old Jim was beginning to warm up as at 10 pm, they switched the buffet to breakfast food. I don’t eat breakfast unless it is Sunday morning and my grandma has made biscuits and apples. I sure as hell don’t eat breakfast at 10 pm. I just ordered a Diet Coke and it took 10 minutes to get that. There were more than 4-6 people around so I was beginning to get into my anti-social mood and basically just sat around waiting to leave. We then took off to drive to Muscatine to go to the hotel.

We got to the hotel and went to our rooms. I was with “Sean”, “Angela”, “Eric”, “Jack” and “Rachel.” Sean, Angela and me tried going to bed. The other three went to party with the rest of the guys. We couldn’t get to sleep because the room above us was practicing for the 110 Meter hurdles for the next Olympics. Running and jumping and who knows what else. Don’t know if it was a room with the other guys or not. But I was pissed. Then the other three come back into the room noisily and I was at my anti-social grumpy asshole worst. I got up, put my shoes on and went to my car. I think I was out there about 10 minutes but I do know that it was colder than a witch’s titty. However, I had already laid my cards on the table and couldn’t go back in. Luckily, “Rachel” came out to the car and told me to get my ass back into the hotel. Well she “twisted my arm” and I agreed to return to the room.

The show in Muscatine was alot of fun. I managed Candido and Chandler McClure. I like managing Chandler. It is fun to blow the whistle and throw the penalty flag. I decided to stay at the hotel again instead of going home after the show. We all had pizza in “Alan’s” room and then we went back to our room and watched some lucha libre before going to bed. I hate lucha libre. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. “Jack” got an ugly wake up call in the morning however when “Sean” sat on his head and farted…twice. He also got drilled in the head with a 20 pound backpack chucked across the room by “Rachel.” He should learn not to be such a sound sleeper on road trips.

That about sums up my week of events. Next weekend is the trip to Wisconsin to see Phantom of the Opera with “Rachel.” I will be better behaved on that trip than I was this weekend. We also have Vincennes and Highland this next weekend. I may jump in with another update this week but since nothing happens in my life, I doubt it. I won’t be able to update about next weekends stuff until at least Tuesday night of next week. Until then…

Good Day.






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