Change of plans

Well I will be leaving at 5 in the morning instead of waiting till Wednesday to leave. Flyering to be done in Bloomington but have to go down to Louisville first.

Another change in plans is that my grandma is going to put up a Christmas tree while I’m gone. I had vetoed the idea of putting up a tree and didn’t want any part of having a tree. My grandma wants at least a little one up so people would know it was Christmas time if they came into the house. Bah Humbug to that. I haven’t been a Christmasy kinda person since my mom died. It just is so different with mom and dad and grandpa no longer around. It just doesn’t feel like a holiday. I guess a guy can’t be a scrooge all the time though so I relented today and told her she could put up the tree. I just won’t be here when it happens.

I hope the shows go well this week and I’ll post an update shortly after returning. It will be long winded. It will be boring. What else would you expect from an update from me?????

Good Day.






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