It’s been awhile

Well I know it has been a long time since I updated but it has been a long time since I’ve been on here.

First of all, I’m so happy that the mayor put a picture of me on his live journal update. I’m a star daddy!!!!

Now onto some news. My best friend from Morris got married over the weekend. We have been friends for 21 years and it is amazing that anyone would be friends with me for that long. Proves there is something majorly wrong with him. Anyway, congrats Chris and best of luck to you. I thought the wedding was great even though the food at the reception was garbage.

While home in Morris, I found a World Series jersey of Scott Spiezio at the local athletic store in town. I am very happy with that purchase and can’t wait to wear it to a Bats game while watching another Morris product in Kelly Dransfeldt play ball.

I believe I will be the starting shortstop for the Home Depot softball team. I need to work on my throws to first but I was doing a good job fielding the ball yesterday at practice. I think I’m going to also be batting either 3rd or 4th in the lineup as I am the only one on the team with warning track power so far. The fences at the park are 290 which is 20 to 25 feet closer in than the stadium IWA played on last year. My goal is to get at least one out this season as I had 7 or 8 go about 275 yesterday.

That is enough for this long update.

Good Day.







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