Tag: science

  • Funny LOL Picture cat + einstein = tongue

    Funny LOL cats Great minds think alike. #lolcats A cat holds its tongue out sitting in front of a picture of Einstein humor joke meme photo picture. science

  • Who was the idiot that passed up the chance to call astronomers, “skyentists” @badastronomer?

  • Metafisica

  • “Daddy, How do stars die?” “Drugs normally.” #science 

  • Renewable energy? I’m a big fan. #science

  • METAL… Before it was cool.. m/ m/ 

  • “Well, if you’ll notice the device’s elasticity is stored in the form if mechanical energy…”. “Granted, but what concerns us more is the gradient of force versus the deflection curvature”

  • Messing with your mind a little bit today… 4 round circles..

  • Funny science. astronaut, nose itches.

    Oh Crap! My Nose Itches! This astronaut is having a hard time on the moon. Wow. That would suck. Will someone please invent a way for this spaceman to itch his nose? So funny. lol. things science doesn’t think about. science fail, sortof.

  • Old funny weather stone joke

    John’s Weather Forecasting Stone. Condition- Forecast Stone is Wet – Rain Stone is Dry – Not Raining Shadow on Ground – Sunny White on Top – Snowing Can’t see stone – Foggy Swinging stone – Windy Stone jumping up and down – Earthquake Stone Gone – Tornado   I think of my father when I…