Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
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  • 10032024-triquetrahealthiron

    Triquetra Plant Iron, whole food iron supplement plus essential cofactors @amazon @triquetra_hlth @testersarmy Triquetra Plant Iron, whole food iron supplement plus essential cofactors Amazon Review 5/5 stars I purchased Triquetra Plant Iron, whole food iron supplement plus essential cofactors and it came right away. I like that this product is at least 95% organic and…

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  • 09292024-bluestripeschocolatebar

    Blue Stripes, Whole Cacao Dark Chocolate Bar, Pure Dark, made with the entire cacao pod chocolate bar @bluestripescacao @socialnature @thefreshmarket Blue Stripes, Whole Cacao Dark Chocolate Bar, Pure Dark, made with the entire cacao pod Social Nature Review 5/5 stars “My husband and I enjoyed eating the Blue Stripes, Whole Cacao Dark Chocolate Bar, Pure…

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  • 09262024-circledrawingtool

    Circle Stencil Template for Drawing and Drafting: A Fibonacci-Inspired Circle Template for Drawing Tool for Artists Allows The Simple Application of The Golden or Divine Ratio for Artistic Design @amazon #testerz @custom_laser_products_aus Circle Stencil Template for Drawing and Drafting: A Fibonacci-Inspired Circle Template for Drawing Tool for Artists Allows The Simple Application of The Golden…

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  • 09252024-vivanaturalscollagenpeptides

    Viva Naturals Pure Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides Grass-Fed & Pasture-Raised. Supports Hair + Skin + Nails + Joints, unflavored @amazon @vivanaturals @testersarmy Viva Naturals Pure Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides Grass-Fed & Pasture-Raised. Supports Hair + Skin + Nails + Joints, unflavored Amazon Review 5/5 stars I purchased Viva Naturals Pure Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides Grass-Fed & Pasture-Raised. Supports…

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  • 09212024-tenayobbq

    Tenayo Spicy Al Pastor Barbecue Sauce, mexican style @tenayofoods @target #gotoaisle Shopping Links Aisle Tenayo Spicy Al Pastor Barbecue Sauce, mexican style Target other instagram free product ad post: G.H. Cretors Handcrafted Small-Batch Popcorn Van Holten’s Big Papa Hearty Dill Pickle Peanut Butter Perfect Bar, the original refrigerated protein bar Bundle X Joy Dog Treats…

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  • 09202024-lundbergcilantrolimerice

    Lundberg Family Farms Cilantro Lime Rice made with regenerative organic certified white rice @lundbergfarms @socialnature @marianosmarket Lundberg Family Farms Cilantro Lime Rice made with regenerative organic certified white rice Social Nature Review 5/5 stars I enjoyed eating the Lundberg Family Farms Cilantro Lime Rice made with regenerative organic certified white rice product. When I opened…

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  • 09192024-responsesoninstagram

    I managed to get a couple more responses on my Instagram so I will post them here. @target responded: Love what you did with your #TargetStyle. Can we pass it along? Reply w/ #ShareMyTargetStyle if you created this image, are the person in the image, have permission from anyone else in the image, are the…

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  • 09182024-tablo

    Tablo 4th Gen 2-Tuner 128GB Over the Air DVR & 35-mile TV Antenna @tablotv.official @qvc @vocalpoint Tablo 4th Gen 2-Tuner 128GB Over the Air DVR & 35-mile TV Antenna QVC Review 4/5 stars I purchased this product through QVC and have no complaints as far as the ordering process and delivery of the product are…

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  • 09172024-pirq

    Pirq Hydration Electrolyte + Circumin Watermelon flavor drink mix @drinkpirq @thingtesting @jewelosco Pirq Hydration Electrolyte + Circumin Watermelon flavor drink mix Thing Testing Review 5/5 stars Overall, for a hydration drink, the Pirq Hydration Electrolyte + Circumin Watermelon flavor drink mix is a nice product. I thought the packet mixed very easily with water. The…

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  • 09162024-bingweatheretreenumber4

    I am a frequent, daily user of Microsoft Bing. They have an opportunity in the weather section to get a tree planted if you visit enough and get enough points. The program is in conjunction with the Eden Reforestation Project. The first picture reads, Microsoft Start Weather. I just helped a real tree get planted…

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