Category: Uncategorized

  • Don’t walk ahead of me – I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me – I may not lead. Walk beside me, that I may trip you to amuse myself. #grumpycat

  • To hate or not to hate. That is the… Nope, I hate it. #grumpycat

  • I put redbull in my coffee this morning instead of water and now I can see noises.. #lolwhatthehellisthat

  • bad cats, bad cats. whatcha gonna do? whatcha gonna do when they come for mew? CATS 

  • I forgot how to duck. #lol Source: the dork side, fb

  • There can only be one. #lolcats

  • Duckmato

  • Today the dog. Tomorrow the world. #grumpycat

  • “I don’t always Skype but when I do it’s because you ran out of catnip and treats and chatting with your mom helps me feel better about everything” #lolcats

  • ….it worked for the slinky #loldogs #puppy