Category: Uncategorized

  • An E-flat, a G-Flat and a B-Flat walk into a bar. Bartender says, “I’m sorry, we don’t serve minors” 

  • “Hey cat!””What?”*sticks out tongue* #lolcats #loldogs

  • Maybe you should eat makeup so you will be pretty on the inside too. #grumpycat

  • She calls me “Fluffy Boo.” But when I’m on guard I prefer “Death Machine” #lolccats

  • 1 in 6 wins fantastic prize… other 5 get sucker punched. #lolcats

  • “Ah, rats! Laundry day again!” #lolcats

  • You have violated my space!! #grumpycat


  • Who was the idiot that passed up the chance to call astronomers, “skyentists” @badastronomer?

  • Baby kitten puss in boots? #awwwwww