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- Eddie Murphy – Ice Cream (HD) (by HDStandUp) This is what happens when the ice cream man comes to #Ravens training camp. #NFL #EddieMurphy (Source:
buzzfeedsports: Close enough… Fantasy shattered. Thanks Buzzfeed.
mightyflynn: 2011 This ties in so well with my wife’s short stories about a Ghost Baseball League that has ducks working with our cats to scout out ghosts for the league. Can’t believe I just randomly saw this on Tumblr without even looking for it. Funny how things work out like that.
buzzfeedsports: Kobayashi completes the milk gallon challenge Can he eat or drink anything in just a single serving size?
usatodaysports: lovecarsbabespoems: Rhythmic gymnast Shin Soo-ji’s first pitch. “How is that physically possible?!” (video)
mightyflynn: Dodger Stadium Los Angeles, California Reuters photo
Homer Bailey threw his 2nd career no hitter tonight (last 2 in #MLB) and here are pics #Reds Bailey became first pitcher since Nolan Ryan in 1974 and 1975 to throw the last two no hitters in MLB (threw last one in MLB vs. Pirates back in September 2012). That is quite a feat and…
blackmarketbeach: I don’t know who to root for. #gocubsgolol #TEXvsNYY How do you like them apples? 🙂 tweeted 6-25/26-2013 @onlyfatrabbit
buzzfeedsports: Girl takes amazing selfie of herself getting tackled by security guards as she sprints through a baseball game What would you do if you were about to get tackled for running on the field? Take a #selfie of course!
cbssports: Does the saying three strikes and you’re out count with lightning, too?