Category: Funny LOL Dogs
Oh no! That is a little wrong, but im still laughing. 🙂 “Are you bored? Draw eyebrows on your dog and laugh until his next bath.” #loldogs
I’m bringing it with me ‘cuz last time we got in the car I came back with no balls….. #loldogs
Seriously dawg, what you trying to pull today….? 😀 Ohhhh Shit!!!! I almost got away! #loldogs
How did the hipster burn his mouth? He ate his dinner before it was cool. #loldogs
Hold on, Let me throw a collar on. #loldogs
They keep telling me to heal.. But I’m not sick.. #wockawocka
I think you have a doppelganger @samuelljackson.. Makes me want to watch Reservoir Dogs…wait.. wrong movie… duh.. Mr. What? That’s right. Pulp Fiction.. “BITCH, BE COOL!” (Samuel L Dogson)
Pardon me good sir.. would you care to engage in a pastime in which you toss an object and I run off to return it to you for merriment? #loldogs