Category: Influenster Review

  • Native Cucumber & Mint Volumizing Conditioner

    Native Cucumber & Mint Volumizing Conditioner

    Native Cucumber & Mint Volumizing Conditioner @influenster @native Native Cucumber & Mint Volumizing Conditioner Influenster Review 5/5 stars I was sent Native cucumber & mint volumizing conditioner through Influenster. I found the Native cucumber & mint volumizing conditioner to have almost everything I was looking for in a product. As a person who does occasionally…

  • Sootheez Watermelon Mint Throat Drops

    Sootheez Watermelon Mint Throat Drops

    Sootheez, Organic Throat Soothing Drops Watermelon Mint @influenster @eezcompany Sootheez, Organic Throat Soothing Drops Watermelon Mint Influenster Review 5/5 stars I was sent Sootheez, Organic Throat Soothing Drops Watermelon Mint through Influenster. This is a great tasting certified organic product made from natural ingredients that is probably pretty good for a light cough or sore…

  • 11282024-fairlife2%strawberrymilk


    Fairlife Strawberry 2% Reduced Fat Ultra-Filtered Milk @influenster @walgreens @instacart @fairlife Fairlife Strawberry 2% Reduced Fat Ultra-Filtered Milk Influenster Review 5/5 stars I purchased Fairlife Strawberry 2% Reduced Fat Ultra-Filtered Milk at Walgreens through Instacart. It was easy to complete the transaction and the driver was quick. This is a tasty product. I love the…

  • 11182024-oikosremixsaltedcaramel


    Oikos® Remix Salted Carmel Nonfat Yogurt Cup @oikos @influenster @marianosmarket Oikos® Remix Salted Carmel Nonfat Yogurt Cup Influenster Review 5/5 stars “I tried the Oikos® Remix Salted Carmel Nonfat Yogurt Cup purchased at Mariano’s Market. I am not a huge fan of yogurt. I eat it sometimes because it’s low carb and I struggle with…

  • 10282024-heinzpickleketchup


    Heinz Pickle Flavored Tomato Ketchup with pickle seasoning @influenster @heinz #snailmail #sample Heinz Pickle Flavored Tomato Ketchup with pickle seasoning Influenster Review 5/5 stars I was sent Heinz Pickle Flavored Tomato Ketchup with pickle seasoning and it came right away. Even though I really like ketchup and really like pickles, I still wasn’t sure what…

  • 10152024-boostglucosestrawberry


    Nestle Boost Glucose Control Creamy Strawberry @influenster @nestleusa @boostnutrition #snailmail #sample Nestle Boost Glucose Control Creamy Strawberry Influenster Review 5/5 stars I was sent Nestle Boost Glucose Control Creamy Strawberry and it came right away. Boost is a product that has been around for many decades. As a person who has had some chronic health…

  • 09142024-alexiacilantrolimepotatoes


    Non-GMO Alexia Spice of Life Cilantro Lime Roasted Seasoned Potatoes @alexiafoods @influenster @freshthyme Non-GMO Alexia Spice of Life Cilantro Lime Roasted Seasoned Potatoes Influenster Review 5/5 stars This product was supposed to be reimbursed by Influenster. I purchased this product 6 days ago at Fresh Thyme Market. The Non-GMO Alexia Spice of Life Cilantro Lime…

  • 09132024-muglerangelfantasm


    Angel Fantasm Mugler eau de parfum sensuelle, etoile rechargeable refillable star @muglerofficial @influenster Angel Fantasm Eau de Parfum Spray Influenster Review 4/5 stars I didn’t know what to expect when I received the Angel Fantasm Eau de Parfum in the mail from Influenster. I do not regularly purchase parfums or fragrances, but I was willing…

  • 08092024-oldelpasojalapenochickennoodlesoup


    Old El Paso Jalapeno Chicken Noodle Soup (Mild) @walmart @influenster @oldelpaso @btfe Old El Paso Jalapeno Chicken Noodle Soup (Mild) Influenster Review 5/5 stars I wasn’t expecting much when I saw this on the shelf in Walmart because what could Old El Paso do to chicken noodle soup that was different than the other cans…

  • 07292024-knorrscheddarbroccolipastaside


    Knorr Cheddar Broccoli Pasta Side @knorr @influenster Knorr Cheddar Broccoli Pasta Side Influenster Review 5/5 stars My husband and I have loved Knorr’s Pasta and Rice sides, and in particular, the Knorr Cheddar Broccoli Pasta Side product for years. Cheddar Broccoli is one of the best flavors in the line, mostly for the spiral pasta.…