Category: Walgreens

  • 11162015-wellbeginningswipes


    Save $1.00 Nice! on 6 roll Ultra Quilted Nice! Paper Towels (Walgreens) link to previous baby product post I need to pick up my medications in the next day or two so it’s time for an obligatory walgreens post. This link is for the store brand baby wipes. $1.00 off on Well Beginnings™ Baby Wipes…

  • Walgreens shopping trip: Love it or Hate it weekend

    Walgreens shopping trip: Love it or Hate it weekend

    This is a legitimate screenshot taken from a blog I frequent every once in awhile. It says Haribo is on sale for $1.00 at a store and that this coupon is available for $0.30 off (but redeems for $1.00… shhhh WWWWHHHEEE Freee!!!)  urgh. Q hates this.  Q loves gummy bears. It’s a fun splurge item.…