Category: Schar
Schar Gluten-Free Artisan Bakery Multigrain Bread made with sourdough @scharglutenfree @socialnature @jewelosco Schar Gluten-Free Artisan Bakery Multigrain Bread made with sourdough Social Nature Review 5/5 stars I have reviewed Schar Gluten-Free Artisan Bakery Multigrain Bread made with sourdough before and enjoyed it then as well as this time. The product itself is a little dense…
Schar Rosemary Table Crackers Review 5/5 stars I have stated this before, but I think the crackers are the best product in the Schar product line. The rosemary table crackers are no exception to this statement. The taste and the smell of these crackers are great. The crackers go well with most products. The only…
septemberfirst22 (Dragon Kite)
Pictured L to R: Ready-To-Eat Spaghetti Squash, Already Spaghetti, and Schar Deli Style SourDough BreadSchar Deli Style SourDough BreadReview#trynaturalReady-To-Eat Spaghetti Squash Already Spaghetti Review5/5 starsI thought this product was excellent. The squash was easy to prepare and tasted great. It smelled great after it was cooked, it smelled like squash should. Sometimes products that are…
Pictured L to R: Schar Artisan Baker Multigrain Bread, Schar Gluten Free Table Crackers, and Good Good Concord Grape Jelly, No Added Sugar Jams and Spreads Good Good Concord Grape Jelly, No Added Sugar Jams and Spreads Review 5/5 stars I love that this jelly is more diet friendly than regular jellies. I tested the…
augusttwentysixth22 (Where Pies Go When They Die!)
little hamburger in a lettuce wrap, little fries, and a large drink #fiveguys little hamburger in a lettuce wrap, little fries, and a large drink #fiveguys Other 5 guys posts: little hamburger in lettuce wrap, little fry, bottle diet coke, and strawberry shake little cheeseburger, bottle diet coke, and little fry Little hamburger with a…
Schar Gluten-Free New York Style Plain Bagels Review 5/5 stars My husband and I were pleasantly surprised at how good these bagels are. The bagels aren’t as chewy as a bagel that contains gluten but, honestly, we didn’t miss that aspect of it. The bread flavor was sweet and lent itself well to both butter…
Coupon – $1.00 off any Schar Gluten-Free Product
Coupon – Foods SAVE – $1.00 off any Schar Gluten-Free Product previous post: Coupon – $2.50 off on any two (2) ZonePerfect 5-count boxes