Category: Prowacked Twitter Saga contines…Blacky and Imy

  • Prime Minister Imy

    Prime Minister Imy decided she better get mug in a picture just in case that dang black cat gets any press. Sheesh. Obligatory plug. Whatevs. #wavespawaround  

  • 07302013-tweets


    original title of this post: Iodine Deficiency is just a spin The Knight Ducks are jamming. They just flew back in from Vegas. Thanks for showing up. #chicago cubs mlb headphones rubberducks wrigley #dear diary Iodine deficiency (adding salt) experiments continue to help. If this is the cause of my malady has stemmed since childhood,…

  • 07152013-tweets


    Black Black cat’s contemplating his next move. The random river of blood seems to have slowed for the moment. Removal eludes. It looks like he will have to deal with it rather than completely disposing of it from the apartment. He has potentially devised a plan.. To help get the Trojan rat over it and…