I had a lot of fun at the IWA Family Reunion show in Sellersburg yesterday. It was great seeing old faces like Brent Blades, Jon Howard and the Mayor when I hadn’t seen them in a while. Then there was a reunion of Rico & Suave…ok I just made that up but it was great to see Rico:
Here’s an oldie with Jon Howard in it:
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Here’s an oldie but a goodie of the Bowling Ball Mafia w/ The Mayor and Brent Blades:
It was great seeing some of the fans that I hadn’t seen in forever. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw Crazy Pipe Guy there!
I just wish that I wasn’t so damn tired during the show and I wish that I would have had the chance to do the supper with Brent and the Mayor and some of the others that went out after the show.
The “Mean” Mitch Page retirement ceremony was very sad. It almost brought a tear to my eye watching it all especially when he let Turner pin him in the ring. I definitely wouldn’t have been able to make it through a speech if I were to have gotten onto the mic.
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Then for old time’s sake:
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And really old times:
I will say this. I am glad that the weekend is over. I got a good night’s sleep and I will definitely sleep well tonight as well. Then it will be back to business as usual.
Good Day.
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