Well it is 3 AM and again I can’t fall asleep. I have not been able to sleep since I’ve been back to Morris. I have several ideas as to why but it isn’t important to list them here. The important thing is just that I’m still awake. My grandma called and woke me up at 7:30 am yesterday so I should be tired.
I went to pick up Jennessa in Valpo today and we got out the flyers I had printed up for Midlothian. She was able to get stacks of flyers into all kinds of businesses and in return we will put their business card listings into the program I’m making for the show. I think we ended up with 12 business cards and she was able to get some flyers into businesses without doing the business card routine. She should have that page printed up and sent to me sometime tomorrow and I can take it to Brandt’s Printing in town and have it done.
I was so bored tonight from not being able to sleep that I did up the dishes, did a load of laundry and finished counting and wrapping my full peanut jar of nickels and my peanut jar of dimes. $80 in nickels and $255 in dimes. I still have a few more jars to go with quarters, nickels and pennies. I don’t know if I will do it tomorrow or not. I know I have another load of laundry and mowing the lawn to do tomorrow. I guess a lot will depend on when I wake up.
I have joined myspace.com and a girl I went to high school with asked to join my list of friends on there. That is who the mystery person is for those who have seen it over at myspace.
I guess I have babbled on long enough.
Good night.
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