#remember #fallingsnow
Good…. Cry your little brains out robin… See how I feel after months of this. Your game sucks. #fallingsnow
Besides if you had any faith in me I would have found it on my own… #fallingsnow #remember. Cry cry cry…. Nobody feels your pain bitch
Claps, honks, bangs, whisles. You can shove it with your act. I do it on my own. Fck you and your non-believers. Nobody cares #fallingsnow
Cry, cry cry…. Call me when you have real issues. Stupid little robin…. Nobody cares about you. #remember #falligsnow now fly away..
I was going to rant some more, but it seems clappy mcclapperson “”get a real job”” wants me too. So shut up I will. #fallingsnow
originally tweeted 12-27-2012 @onlyfatrabbit
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