The baseball world has had a week to deal with the fallout of Ryan Braun being suspended for the rest of the season. We’ve even had enough time for Zack Greinke to speak about what an asshat Ryan Braun is and for Aaron Rodgers to talk about Braun looking him dead in the face and lying his ass off. Remember how Aaron went public with statements about how he’d give up his salary if Braun was lying and actually took PEDs. Turns out that the Packers QB is not a fan of being made to look like a dumbass. Matt Kemp has come out and said that Ryan Braun needs to forfeit his MVP award for being a lying cheating scumbag.
Ryan Braun even got a man fired. He ran the name of the urine collector through the mud and got the guy fired. He cackled and crowed about beating the system and how he was exonerated. But the worst crime that this dbag committed was the statement he released where he said he “guessed” he did some things wrong. What kind of toolbag gets suspended for 65 games and is so guilty that he doesn’t even appeal the punishment and then says “I guess I did something wrong”?
Ryan Braun is a grade A asshole and deserves all the hatred, boos and bad karma that can possibly come his way.
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