Been rather run down the last several days. Was working out pretty hard (for me, anyway), but sometime last weekend my body shut off and wanted to rest a little. Along the way, I injured my shoulder/arm somehow. The ibuprofen and/or aspirin wasn’t working. So, I took some pain medication I had left over from a procedure several months ago. All was going fine until I went into Target to go to the pharmacy and pick up some pseudo-ephedrine. Not quite sure what happened but after the cashier did the check out the register froze. Recent updates to the system I suppose. Anyway, they needed to do the transaction on a different register since it didn’t print a receipt. I have no idea why, but I got mad when the woman went to correct the transaction. I think it was the pain medications. I need to go and apologize to her and get the pseudo-ephedrine. It was an odd night, but then again, the few times I’ve taken pain killers end up being odd. I don’t tolerate them well around ppl I don’t know. Not like the Target pharmacy reads this, but I can only hope she won’t hold it against me.
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