Looks like the rain has stayed away for now. I guess it went past us. If there were any rain clouds, I missed them. Last night there was an impromptu concert in the courtyard of our building. I have never seen anything like it in the tenure that we have been in this location. There have been small gatherings but nothing like this one. A local band played. The man didn’t enjoy it that much (of course), but he tolerated it for me and for the sake of getting along with the neighbors. He just gets frustrated. It was right outside our window. He wanted to go to sleep to get a good night’s rest for work in the morning. I enjoyed it as much as I could, considering. The band was talented and played some ambient type string music. We kept the lights off and laid on the couch to listen to it until the later hours waned then, we turned on the ballgame on mute. I had a headache. too much pressure in the air. so outside music and the ballgame on the tv it was.
Tonight, we head off to supper and then to the graveyard for the movie viewing. I’m not expecting much since most horror movies are outright horrible. but it might be good for a chuckle or might actually have some redeeming aesthetic quality or storyline. We’ll see.
Tomorrow might be the (scratch that, not into it) while the man if off to his cousin’s wedding. We’ll see on that one too. It’s a tentative thing. Haven’t been out for this event in several years.
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