Target shopping - 5/23

Shopping Trip – Target


This is NOT a paid advertisement. This is just us both Jim and Q shopping tonight.

Target shopping – 5/23

Perdue Chicken 4 @ 5.49 = $21.98

Market Pantry Pasta Sauce 6@1.00 $6

Jennie-O Turkey Hot dogs 4@1.12  $4.48

EVOL Grilled Chicken Parm Meal  7.49

Evol Cilantrol Lime burrito 2.49

Van’s Blueberry Waffles 2@2.50

Purina One wet cat food 3oz  9@0.77

Purina One wet cat food -clearance – 3oz 3@0.65

Pillsbury reduced fat crescent rolls  2 @ 1.66 – $3.32

Mini Blinds – $3.99

Temptations cat treats 3oz  (chicken, catnip, and cheese)- $1.52

Total:  $32.33 Savings: $40.06  55%

Coupons used
Used the $10 off $50 Target store ad/mobile coupon. The one on Jim’s phone didn’t scan properly so the cashier was kind enough to scan an ad coupon for us.

Used Target cartwheel for the 5% off Market Pantry Pasta Sauce – 24 cents savings!

4 – $2 off – Perdue Simply Smart ChickenClick link. Change zipcode to 77477. then reload the page. Or click back arrow and click link again.  There is also a coupon for this found on the Target website, but we haven’t set up links with them yet.

2 – $1.50/3 Market Pantry Pasta Sauce Target store coupons

2 –
$55/2 Jennie-O Turkey hot dogs   

other Jennie-O coupons

2- $1.00 off Evol products (not available, I think it was a facebook coupon)

2 – $1.50 off Van’s products coupons (not available, this might have been on the Van’s website, not sure)

4 buy 2 get 1 free Purina One wet cat food (4/06 Smartsource and 5/4 RedPlum)

2 – $0.75 off Pillsbury crescent rolls ( this was an Everyday coupon earlier in the month, I don’t have links set up with them yet either)

1 – $1.00 off 1 Temptations cat treats (4/27 Red Plum)


The mini blinds were technically free tonight.  Little kitten decided that he was Tarzan King of the Jungle one night and completely lept onto our window and hung from the miniblinds.  It snapped it in half.  It was right after the human chandelier circus viral vid was, I think the little kitten was channeling it.  But when Q went to the store sleepy a few nights ago she bought the wrong size so we needed to get a size closer to our window.

previous post: Another Instagram – Imy cat Happy Birthday Month R.I.P my love


4 responses to “Shopping Trip – Target”

  1. sxtwahlqo Avatar

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