I was always a fan of Shane McMahon during the Attitude Era of the WWF. The kid was an heir to a billionaire and here he was just doing INSANE things in the ring, risking life and limb. I can see where some of the wrestlers were not happy with him. He would come out and do these crazy things that a lot of them couldn’t do and he could go completely balls out in one match. He had six months or a year or more to recover and let his body heal. The everyday wrestlers did not have that luxury. That couldn’t risk being put on the shelf for a year and not working/getting paid. I am not privy to what the mindset was of the wrestlers and I’m not saying that Shane McMahon was hated, resented or anything like that. I’m just saying that I could understand it if he were. He had the insane fall from the top of the TitanTron scaffolding at SummerSlam 2000 vs. Steve Blackman. King of the Ring 2000 when he got chokeslammed by The Undertaker from the top rope through the announce table on the floor. Shawn Michaels superplexing him off the top of a ladder through two tables on the floor on Saturday Night’s Main Event. He had the dive off the top of the TitanTron through the stage onto Big Show at Backlash 2001.
He also had a street fight against Kurt Angle at the 2001 King of the Ring where he got suplexed through a glass door/window panel on the set. The first attempt resulted in Shane bouncing off it and landing right on his head. It caused him to black out for a second but he still told Kurt Angle to try it again and to throw him harder. This was the result:

The other wrestler’s might have been jealous of his status and might have resented his work schedule allowing him to take this like this but even if they did, they HAD to respect the hell out of him.
I know I did. I miss Shane McMahon.
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