Statues – What Not To Do

Kid sitting on the head of Rod Carew statue


People are so disrespectful and rude. What makes people think they can do this to a statue?  Do you walk into a museum and start climbing all over the statues?  So what makes it ok to do it at a ballpark?  This happens all the time at Wrigley Field.  Wrigley Field is a national landmark.  Treat it like a museum because it basically is.  Stay off the statues.  Act like you have a civilized bone in your body.  Usually it is drunken assbags leaving the bars late at night that crawl all over the statues at Wrigley Field but there will still be parents lifting their kids up onto the statues before the game to take photos.

I hope the kid fell off and twisted his ankle and I hope the adult taking the photo (that is old enough to know better) has 15 birds take a huge dump on her head and then she walks in front of a bus while trying to clean it out of her hair.


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