Space Out Dream Diary



Space out/ Dream diary time. Sometimes my thoughts get a little loud in my head.

First I took a nap and during that nap I had a very lucid dream that I was lying down and someone was drugging me with an inject-able

then that person proceeded to prop me up and push me off of the top of a very tall building, but I never fell. I was suspended over the air.

woke up. random beep on my phone not associated with any app (not that I can tell) dang it NSA, not now I’m busy

So I take a shower. While I am just spacing out thinking. I think about the Morris Redskin indian, but he is posing for me to take..

a picture of him. but I don’t want too. So he grabs his own camera and takes a picture of me. lol

He was quite proud of himself for that one and proceeds to show me this picture.

Then I was thinking about ghosts and how they are portrayed around here. (Chicago is quite haunted if you are not aware)

and I was trying to think about some of the ghost stories. An image of a girl (she was grade school) ghost and boy (he was like toddler age)

were lying in the tub acting like they had slit their wrists. I told them I was busy and didn’t have time for these games

So they looked at me again and told me to look. They claimed to be dead

I told them I was busy pooping. So they then proceeded to get out of the tub, shrug their shoulders and wipe off their makeup.

Dang it ghosts. you got water on the floor and for the love of pete hang up your towels please








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