Danger’s imminent. Prime Minister Imy cats sustenance is threatened and needs to give a speech addressing the issues
King James main concern for PM Imys address was the location and backdrop for her podium. Gotta create right visuals #stateofthecheeseburger
It is important to be relaxed and loose for portraying the right concern on stage. Spa Day preparation. #stateofthecheeseburger
Prime Minister Imy doesn’t know whether to be intensely excited for her spa day or scared crap-less (I don’t know how to be a girl most days)
Imy getting fluid therapy and light laser therapy for her kidneys (@ Cat Hospital Of Chicago)
Prime Minister Imy went in for a laser light and fluid therapy but needs a colonic instead. Dang it. #stateofthecheeseburger
Prime Minister Imy has had her enema and is now trying desperately get her poop out. #stateofthecheeseburger #poopproblems
It is so painful to watch this process. All I can think of is the novel CHOKE. #stateofthecheeseburger #howmanyanalbeadsareupthere
@jfannin73, Imy was so constipated that the vet had to remove the poop with her fingers manually.
tweeted 7-11-2013 @onlyfatrabbit
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