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Well that was quite an egg that the Bears defense laid yesterday against the Panthers. I might as well have been out there trying to cover Smith with as well as Peanut Tillman was doing. I would have at least put a late hit on Smith and knocked him from the game before I let him make me look like a third string pee wee league player. I guess the Bears now know that they need to find a CB either in the draft or via free agency to get this team to the next level. I guess I had a bad feeling for a reason. The events of the last few days definitely shows that the streak has ended but it was good while it lasted.

They kept advertising during the game that they were going to have a segment on the Fox news at 9 pm about a guy that supposedly has a fool proof plan for getting girls to agree to go on a date and they were going to test the theory with a “date challenged” man. I thought about watching it but what the hell good would it do. They were testing it out at a bar and there is just some things that I will not do. I decided to watch the reairing of the season premiere of The Shield instead.

It is almost supper time and I have some cleaning to do. That’s it for now I guess.

Until next time…






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