Milwaukee and crane games

This past weekend was the trip to Milwaukee and unbelievably, it was a fun trip. I had not enjoyed a trip to Milwaukee in at least a couple of years and that was when Cash Flo, Mitch Page and I wandered the streets for a couple of hours the next morning before we left for home. We left late due to tire problems and almost didn’t make it to the show on time. We stopped several times along the way and Shaina played alot of crane games. She is now the proud owner of a crab, an Ernie, a bear with her birth month on it and Marvin Martian.

We went back to Morris and stayed the night Sunday night as we were experiencing more tire trouble. We went to see American Wedding and had dinner with my best friend of 22 years Chris.

The drive home on Monday was absurd as we hit traffic jams a few times for no apparent reason and then hit construction and the trip took twice as long as it should have. I called in sick to work since I didn’t get home until it was time for work and I felt like crap.

I got a good night’s sleep however and am feeling much better now. Tonight I will definitely be in too work.

Good Day.






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